
2013年一月五号雅思考试作文范文 - 百度

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2013年1月5日雅思写作A类Task 1分析

图表类型 饼图(静态)

作文题目 The charts give information about the reasons why peopleleave the UK and why people stay in the UK.

要素回忆 详见下图。

写作指导 两个饼图的元素基本相同,因此两个图之间存在横向比较关系,故不能独立写,必须合并写。建议先写前两块,在离开英戚链国的人中,首要原因是生活品质,其次是经济原因,两者加起来占60%。而在选择留在英国的人中,家庭朋友与社会生活占据了六成。然后再写employment在两类人群中都占了15%。最后写第三块:在离开英国的人中,天气和家庭朋友是最少的原因,分别是15%和10%。而离开英国的人中,经济和语言原因是最小的原因,占了约10%。

类似真题 剑桥真题中无静态高物孙多饼图。可参见2006年的真题:2003年三个国家的大学生各项开支在总花费中所占的比重。

作文题目 People who like to read develop better imagination andlanguage skills than those who prefer to watch TV. To whatextent do you agree or disagree?

题目翻译 喜欢阅读的人比喜欢看电视的人更能培养想象力和语言技能。你在多大程度上同意或不同意?

话题分类 媒体与广告

题型类别 同意与否

是否旧题 重复2009年5月16日的题目。

话题分析 “老题复现”成为了2012年雅思写作考试全年出题的一大亮点。2013年的第一场考试就直接考了原封不动的老题,是否意味着今年“老题复现”的趋势会继续进行下去,甚至愈演愈烈呢?我们拭目以待。本话题属于媒体与广告类话题。与2010年11月4日的题目非常相似。

类似话题 Some people think parents should read or tell stories tochildren, while others think parents need not do that, aschildren can read books, watch TV or movies by themselves.Discuss both views and give your opinion. (101104)

结构思路 建议写成双边支持型文章。正文第一段写阅读在培养想象力和语言技能上的作用,第二段让步,写电视也可以起到同样的作用。最后给出建议,两种方法都可采用。阅读:文字能给读者更多的想象空间,读者可蚂没以把书中的人物和故事和身边的人联系起来,并且可以自由想想当时的场景和人物表情、性格。电视:生动的电视画面也可以激起人们的想象力。例如,科幻片本身塑造的就是虚拟世界,而这些画面是读者自己很难勾勒出来的。



How to educate children to be imaginative and to possessstrong language skills has been one of the most discussedtopics of all time. As to this issue, some propose that readingfor fun can sharpen one’s language skills and stimulate one’simagination whilst others argue that watching TV can be moreeffective. From my perspective, both methods can boostone’s imagination and language skills, but just in differentways. Those who believe that one’s imagination and languageskills can be better developed are justified in more ways thanone. Firstly, reading for enjoyment definitely can stimulateone’s imagination. Unlike watching TV, readers cannot see thevivid pictures but the lines. They have to associate the wordswith certain things in their mind, thereby arousing theirimagination. For example, if one reads the masterpiece Romeoand Juliet by Shakespeare, he or she, invariably, will imaginehow Romeo and Juliet look like and what the wall of Juliet’shouse will be like. Secondly, reading for pleasure can improveone’s language skills, especially one’s reading and writing skills.Different from the words used in TV, the lines in novels or otherbooks are, by and large, from some classical writers who aresuperior in words choice and grammar, both of which arecritical to one’s reading and writing. Those arguing thatwatching TV can better one’s imagination and languagecapabilities are equally justifiable to some extent. On thesurface, watching TV cannot develop one’s imagination simplybecause when watching TV, audiences merely obtain theinformation in a passive way. However, on a deeper level,watching TV can be beneficial to one’s imagination. Watchinga Sci-Fi movie, like Star Wars, for instance, can stir one’simagination in a better way than a traditional book can.Moreover, watching TV can sharpen our language skills as well,especially in terms of listening and speaking. Watching TV andreading for pleasure are not mutually exclusive in terms ofimproving one’s imagination and language. Without watchingsomething amazing on TV first, it is basically impossible forone to imagine. Without reading, watching TV alone can stifleone’s imagination for the simple reason that they just receiveinformation passively. Speaking, listening, writing and readingare interrelated as well. To conclude, as for watching TV orreading for pleasure, it is hard to say which is better for one’simagination. In terms of language skills, watching TV can helppeople more in speaking and listening whereas reading for funis more helpful in reading and writing.

Dear professor Moss:

I am Sandy Lee, an undergraduate student of the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. At the beginning of this semester, I registered one of your courses, African Literature and Culture. It is a two-hour course held on every Thursday afternoon. Yesterday, I received a notice from my department that a major course, Computer Principle, would be changed to Thursday afternoon. This major course conspicuously influences my credits and it is every important to me. Unfortunately, I can not study your course this semester.

Because of your reputation and my enthusiasm in literature, I hope I could study this course in next semester. I also heard that another course of yours, China Literature, is held every Friday afternoon. If the registration of this course hasn’t closed yet, I will be so glad to participate in your class.

Sorry to bother you, your help will be greatly appreciated.

Sincerely yours,

Sandy Lee


Dear General Manager,

As a staff of Sales Department, I’m very glad to see the rapid development of our hotel. With the coming of New Year, I am writing to you to pre I think more on the further improvement of our hotel―to establish a website of our own to attract more clients.

Firstly, with the development of Internet, more and more people are willing to go to the outside world through the information on Internet. Thus if we could establish our own website and introduce ourselves on it, more friends, especially foreign friends, could know our latest promotion at home whenever they want. Secondly, according to the statistics of World Hotel Association, 33% of clients made hotel reservation through the Internet last year. And the proportion will largely increase in year 2000. Thus if we could introduce reservation system on our homepage, clients could contact us and make reservation directly. Finally, hotel promotion on Internet could reduce our operation cost greatly.

As someone says that Internet shorten the distance of the world, I believe that the one who could make use of Internet effectively today will be the winner tomorrow. We will get a lot and have a brilliant future.

Yours sincerely,

Livia Lim


To construct and maintain roads is a public service administered by the government. However,swheresdoes the money come from? Somebody believe that the government should allocate money from national finance on the road construction; but others think that the roads are constructed for people, so every tax-payer has the responsibility for constructing and maintaining the roads. It is so called“What is taken from the people is used in the interests of the people.”

To the first opinion, since government is the administrative organ, it has responsibility to do overall plan on those public services of city construction, including constructing the road. They think that the government should do plan and allocate every penny on all things concerning people’s life.

However in reality, the government cannot do all specific plans and money allocations on every detail concerning the society running. It only has the right of macro-adjustment and control. To be specific on the road construction, many people believe that based on the principle above, since the road is constructed for the convenience of people themselves, every tax-payer has duty to devote a little on the road construction, which is not only for the city overall plan, but also for their own use fundamentally. Once the constructions finish, the roads will be wider and longer, the facilities along the roads will be better in use, by then people could further improve their working efficiency, etc..

As I know, the second opinion is more reasonable and feasible, because it has two advantages: 1. The government could reduce heavy burdens, simplify and make clear the usage of money; 2. Tax-payers are clear about the usage of money they turn over, thus improve the transparency. Therefore, it is a good measure for both sides to allocate money from the tax paid by people on the road construction.


Dear officer:

In 01/01/2000, I took flight CA983 from Beijing to Los Angeles. When the flight arrived at Los Angeles, because of my carelessness, I left my handbag, a black leathered bag, on my seat. There are some important things in it, including my passport, ID card, credit card, some checks and one thousand US Dollars. But the most important thing is my business address book, in which record all my clients’phone numbers and appointment agenda in the following two weeks.

Since this bag is very important to me, my friends told me that I should contact your department to seek help, so I write this letter to you anxiously. Hope you and your staff can help me find my lost bag. Your meticulous and warmhearted help will be greatly appreciated.

For information about my lost thing, please contact me in the following ways.

Mobile phone:

Home phone: 82326258

Office phone: 82326255

Yours sincerely

Will Smith

Since the invention of TV sets, reading books has lost its popularity. Instead, increasing number of people including children are becoming couch potatoes. However, in terms of the development of imagination and language skills, I agree that such tradition as reading is more effective than watching TV.

Regardless of languages or races, reading books is widely employed to develop children’sintelligence and language skills. The most important reason can be that words enable readers to picture what they read and there is no restriction for such imaginative thinking. In addition, readers are allowed to pause, and reflect on the part that they like or they do not have a clear understanding of. Reading is also an effective way of improving written language skills. This isproven by the phenomenon that children who like reading at an early age tend to have a higher level of literacy and read faster than those who often watch TV.

Certainly watching TV has certain advantages for people to be more creative and expressive. TV programs are usually presented in verbal languages and therefore the watchers are encouraged to express themselves orally. They tend to speak faster and clearer and have a larger vocabulary in the context of popular culture. Of course, TV watchers can also speculate the plot of a TV drama, but the more pictures and sounds to offer, the more limits on imagination as they are presented in such a way that there is little need for the watchers to use their brain actively. Anotherirrefutable proof can be the great ancient philosophers, ideologists and litterateurs who livedprior to the creation of TV sets but by no means lacked brilliant abstract thinking and expressing skills.

My personal view is that people should be encouraged to read books rather than watch TV. The reasons include that books allow more freedom for readers to imagine and inspire deeper understanding of written material. Watch TV can also be utilized to cultivate these faculties to some extent but in a less effective way.


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