

来源:www.jojo99.com   时间:2024-03-15 10:26   点击:99  编辑:admin   手机版


Kaisui(beginning of the year): According to the Chinese traditional custom, starting from haishi(9p.m. to 11p.m.)of the last evening of the twelfth lunar month, each family must prepare offering s to deities at the altar.

At the same time, they too prepare food for the New Year day: The whole family will then stay awake together to attend to the year(called shou sui).

After haishi, zishi(11p.m. to 1a.m.)will come, and this is the arrival of New Year(Yuandan).

At this moment, people begin the celebration with fireworks. Vegetarian and sweet foods will then be placed are the altar for offerings, and incense be burned to welcome the deities.

In the ancient times, it was believed that haishi connected the two years and thus was called kaisui.


答:I’m glad to hear from you. It’s true that Chinese customs are different from yours in America. Let me give you some suggestions about Chinese customs.

When you meet others for the first time,you are supposed to shake hands instead of kissing. It’s polite to hand out your right hand and shake it with another person’s right hand. When you are eating at the table, you should let the old start first. When you are eating with your chopsticks, it’s impolite to point at other people with your chopsticks. It’s also impolite to stick your chopsticks into the bowl of rice and leave them there.

When you go out with people, you are supposed to tell the hostess where you are going, who you are going with and when you will come back. In our culture, the hostess will worry about the safety of her guests, so it’s polite to let her know these things.

Have a safe trip and I look forward to meeting you soon!


The Chinese manners is differend from other countries .In China,people first meet to shake hands.When people eat,Besides soup,table all food use chopsticks.Certain foods can move chopsticks eyes.And sometimes the Chinese host use their chopsticks to put food in your bowl or plate.This is a sign of politeness.The appropriate thing to do would be to eat the whatever-it-is and say how yummy it is.If you feel uncomfortable with this,you can just say a polite thank you and leave the food there.

  Don't tap on your bowl with your chopsticks.Beggars tap on their bowls,so this is not polite.Also,when the food is coming too slow in a restarant,people will tap their bowls.If you are in someone's home,it is like insulting the cook.


Making His Mark “刻舟求剑”

A man from the state of Chu was taking a boat across a river when he dropped his sword into the water carelessly. Immediately he made a mark on the side of the boat where the sword dropped, hoping to find it later. When the boat stopped moving, he went into the water to search for his sword at the place where he had marked the boat. As we know, the boat had moved but the sword had not. Isn’t this a very foolish way to look for a sword?


My job is education and this year in 2021my job has changed a lot.I I teach students face to face but now I usually choose online lessons which I think can better protect their safety. No matter how my job changes I will always stick to my original mind.


Custom: mountaineering autumn outing, respect for the elderly, chrysanthemum, ancestor worship, put river lanterns, sacrifice to the dead, burn paper ingots, sacrifice to the land, enjoy the moon, burn lanterns, eat dumplings, eat zongzi, rowing dragon boats, etc.



Its Chinese name "Qing Ming" literally means "Clear Brightness," hinting at its importance as a celebration of Spring. Similar to the spring festivals of other cultures, Tomb Sweeping Day celebrates the rebirth of nature, while marking the beginning of the planting season and other outdoor activities.



the chinese manners is differend from other countries .in china,people first meet to shake hands.when people eat,besides soup,table all food use chopsticks.certain foods can move chopsticks eyes.and sometimes the chinese host use their chopsticks to put food in your bowl or plate.this is a sign of politeness.the appropriate thing to do would be to eat the whatever-it-is and say how yummy it is.if you feel uncomfortable with this,you can just say a polite thank you and leave the food there.

  don't tap on your bowl with your chopsticks.beggars tap on their bowls,so this is not polite.also,when the food is coming too slow in a restarant,people will tap their bowls.if you are in someone's home,it is like insulting the cook.










腊八。每年农历的腊月初八,俗称“腊八”这天,每家每户的早餐都要喝“腊八煮”(用八样农作物果实熬煮成的粥,现已衍变成著名的八宝粥)就此便留传下了“喝了腊八煮,便把年来数”的佳话。也就是说,从这天开始,有了“过年”的气息,离过年就得一天一天的拔着指头数起来了。大人们便开始赶年集、备年货,孩子们开始盼年早些到来了。  2、祭灶。直到腊月二十三,辞灶(祭灶)日,也叫“过小年”中午免不了吃饺子,主要活动在晚上,过了这天,就放灶王爷的假,回天堂“过年”去!在供给灶王爷的晚宴上,只有一道特别的肴“糖瓜儿”(民间手工制作的麦芽糖)意在一种说法是:让灶王爷吃后,到了天堂多说甜言蜜语。另一种说法是:叫糖瓜儿粘住灶王爷的嘴,到了天堂不让说话。辞别的时候不仅赠有礼品“面袋子、钱搭子”(用烧纸裱糊的)在烧纸的时候一起烧掉,口中还得念念有词“灶王,灶王上天堂;少生灾祸,多生五谷杂粮。”声音很小,不让别人听到。有些好奇的孩子询问老人说的什么,会遭受老人的呵斥:“小孩子家不懂事,一边玩去!”弄得个心兴扫尽。  3、备年。 “辞了灶,年来到!”接下来人们开始忙年了。这时候上了大把年纪的老人总会唠叨:“好过的年,难过的春!”意指在提醒小人们,不能光为了过年去铺张,还要牢记来年长春的开支。家家户户的婆媳们、妯娌们、姑嫂们开始做饽饽、蒸包子、打年糕,直到大年三十,总算忙出了个头绪,就开始准备年夜饭了。  4、年夜饭、除夕夜。剁馅子、和面、包饺子、煎碗头,都是女人们的事,男人领着孩子们一起,贴对联、挂zhu子(写有列宗列族名字的扑灰年画)、拾掇搁摆儿(供桌),摆放供品。一切准备完毕,同姓同支股衍生在世的子孙们,成群结队浩浩荡荡地走向墓场,给列宗列祖上坟烧纸、放鞭炮,邀请做了古的人回家过年。在上坟回来的路上,经过桃园每家人捎少一匝桃枝,(没桃园的地方)赶年集是买好)回家后插到门窗的旁边和放在供桌上,用做辟邪。然后在门上槛贴上过门钱,插上“指道”,家里的女人们烧锅下饺子,男人就准备接财神。  用木制长方形的盘子上摆放摞成山状的五个小饽饽和两双筷子,两盅黄酒,一沓烧纸,男孩子用长长的竹竿,挑着一支鞭炮,根据“灶码头”(木版年画。上方刻有农历二十四节气的日期与各种财神爷所在方位,下方是财神爷像)上所指财神爷所在的方位,到大门外烧纸、祭奠酒、磕头、放鞭炮。完毕,回家高呼:“财神到家了!”回到供桌前,意思是捧财神爷汝座,点燃蜡烛,烧上香,供上两碗现出锅的饺子,再在供桌前烧上一沓烧纸。磕个头。就要开始喝“财神酒”了。老婆、孩子在别屋里看中央台的新年晚会,欢歌笑语喜气洋洋。直至午夜十二点,各自回家吃年夜饭。大人回到家中净手上香,儿童去大门外燃放一枚爆竹,俗称“开门包暴仗”。然后将煮熟的水饺盛成若干等份,除了放在供桌、天供上外,门口、窗口、井口,凡是带口的地方都要放上一份,每处都要烧上一沓烧纸,磕个头。然后燃放礼花鞭炮,辞旧迎新,

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