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地球是我们赖以生存的家园,而这个家园正在被垃圾所包围。作为21世纪的主人,我们不能只是担忧与抱怨,而是要有行动,要有绿色行动。垃圾并非一无是处,废品也不是废不可用。垃圾资源化和再循环在技术上并不难,困难在于废物随手抛弃、混合堆积就成为垃圾;因此作为有教养的新世纪的文明人,我们应该参与“举手之劳”的垃圾源头分类活动,为净化我们的生存空间做一点奉献,献一片爱心。 生活垃圾是人类生活的副产品,随着社会经济的迅速发展和城市人口的高度集中,生活垃圾的产量正在逐步增加。一般生活垃圾可分为废纸、塑料、玻璃、金属和生物垃圾等五类。垃圾对人类生活和环境的主要危害是: 第一、占地过多。堆放在城市郊区的垃圾,侵占了大量农田。现在北京人每人平均年产垃圾440公斤,全市年产400万吨左右,相当于两个半景山。北京的垃圾堆放场地已有4500余处,占地超过1万多亩。垃圾在自然界停留的时间也很长:烟头、羊毛织物1―5年;橘子皮2年;经油漆的木板13年;尼龙织物30―40年;皮革50年;易拉罐80―100年;塑料100―200年;玻璃1000年。为此,我们既要少制造垃圾,更要注重垃圾的分类,回收利用,变废为宝。少用一次性筷子、水杯、饭盒等制品,多用可重复使用的制品,减少宝贵的森林资源消耗;少用塑料袋,改用购物布袋,减少城市“白色污染”的危害;购买无氟冰箱、空调等环保电器,保护大气臭氧层;少用高浓度洗涤剂,使用无磷洗衣粉,减少水污染。 第二、污染空气。垃圾是一种成份复杂的混合物。在运输和露天堆放过程中,有机物分解产生恶臭,并向大气释放出大量的氨、硫化物等污染物,其中含有机挥发气体达100多种,这些释放物中含有许多致癌、致畸物。塑料膜、纸屑和粉尘则随风飞扬形成“白色污染”。 第三、污染水体。垃圾中的有害成份易经雨水冲入地面水体,在垃圾堆放或填坑过程中还会产生大量的酸性和碱性有机污染物,同时将垃圾中的重金属溶解出来。垃圾污染源产生的渗出液经土壤渗透会进入地下水体;垃圾直接弃入河流、湖泊或海洋,则会引起更严重的污染。您看:颐和园、北海水面上漂着的塑料瓶和饭盒,香山、八大处林间山路上散落着和树枝上挂着的塑料袋、面包纸等,一些游客只图自己方便,造成旅游环境污染。如果动物误食了白色垃圾不仅会伤及健康,甚至会导致死亡。 第四、土壤渣土化。垃圾直接施用于农田,或仅经简易处理后用于农田会破坏土壤的团粒结构、理化性质和保水、保肥能力。特别是塑料袋、塑料布,如果埋在农田内,庄稼的根就不能生长,农田就会减产,可供人们食用的粮食就会减少。 第五、火灾隐患。垃圾中含有大量可燃物,在天然堆放过程中会产生甲烷等可燃气,遇明火或自燃易引起火灾。随着城市垃圾中有机质含量的提高和由露天分散堆放变为集中堆存,而在长期堆存中只采用简单覆盖致使垃圾产生沼气的危害日益突出,垃圾爆炸事故不断发生,造成重大损失。 第六、有害生物的巢穴。垃圾不但含有病原微生物,而且能为老鼠、鸟类及蚊蝇提供食物、栖息和繁殖的场所,也是传染疾病的根源。 综上所述,对于城市垃圾问题的严重性和迫切性显而易见。要让这些垃圾变废为宝,就要做好垃圾的回收和利用。您知道吗?回收1吨废纸可生产好纸800公斤,可以少砍17棵大树,可节约一半以上的造纸能源,减少35%的水污染;1吨废塑料至少能回炼600公斤汽油和柴油;用废玻璃再造玻璃,不仅可以节约石英砂、纯碱等原料,还可节电;用废金属冶炼金属可节约大量的能源消耗,还可减少空气污染;而一些果皮、蛋壳、菜叶、剩饭等厨房垃圾,可用堆肥发酵的方法处理,变成绿色肥料等。 因此,我们要通过电视、广播、报纸和信息网络等多种大众媒体,大力进行垃圾源头分类收集的宣传教育;抓紧制定适合国情有关垃圾分类收集处理的法规,并严格执行;可考虑在一些单位深入细致地进行垃圾源头分类收集的试点工作;并与大家进一步讨论完善管理办法,使垃圾源头分类收集尽快普遍开展。让我们共同努力,用举手之劳,推动垃圾分类回收,清除垃圾污染,变废为宝,节约资源。使北京能以崭新的面貌夺得2008年奥运会的主办权,同时也给我们自己提供一个优美的健康的生存空间。










1.what effects does littering have on the enviroment?Litter can cause a whole range of problems foreveryone in the community. Litter discarded instreets and parks can travel through the storm water system to our bays and oceans, where it can cause harm to wildlife. Litter costs money. Removing litter from the environmentcosts everyone money.

-Litter is a threat to public health. Litter attracts vermin and is a breeding ground for bacteria. Items such as broken glass and syringes can be a health hazard in public places. Litter can be a fire hazard. Accumulated litter and carelessly discarded cigarette butts are potential fire hazards.

-Litter looks bad. Litter negatively affects the image

of places, especially tourist locations.

-Litter attracts litter. Litter sends out a message that

people do not care for the environment and that it is

acceptable to litter.

-Litter can harm or kill wildlife. Plastic litter can

choke or suffocate birds and marine life. Carelessly

discarded containers can trap small mammals.

-Litter harms our waterways. Organic matter, such

as dog poo, leaves and grass clippings, pollutes our


2,what do you think we should do to stop people from littering?

There are a number of simple ways to help prevent


Use garbage cans properly if provided. Make sure

your waste goes in the garbage can, not beside it.

Take your litter home when visiting parks and gardens.

Wind and animals scavenging in garbage cans

can often lead to littering in our parks.

Pick up garbage, do not flush it away. Sweep

paved areas and pick up all the garbage, rather than

hosing it down into gutters and drains. All the

garbage in gutters works its way into the water.

Pack a garbage free lunch with reusable plastic

containers and water bottles rather than bags and

drink boxes.

Never sweep grass, leaves or any other waste into

gutters as they degrade to form a rich nutrient

source for algal blooms. Never hose paths as it will

only wash your waste into the drainage system.

Wash cars on the grass, never on the road or hard

paths where it will wash detergents into the

drainage system.

Always dispose of unwanted chemicals responsibly,

never pour them into gutters or drains. Gas,

paints, thinners, pharmaceutical drugs, and garden

pesticides and herbicides are poisonous to wildlife.

Your local government can advise you of the best

way to dispose of these.

Prevent oil from leaking from your car as it could

end up in the river or sea.

Use a reusable cloth bag when you are shopping,

or choose cardboard boxes instead of plastic bags

whenever possible. Reuse plastic bags by taking

them back to the store, where they will be recycled

into items such as flower pots.

Use washing detergents which contain no phosphates,

to prevent excessive amounts of these entering

the drainage system. Also avoid excessive use

of chemical fertilisers as runoff from these into the

waterways cause algal blooms.

Never pour waste fats and oils down the sink, but

rather throw them out with other household


Always take a pick-up-bag when walking your

dog. Don't leave its droppings in the gutter or on

the footpath as they will wash into the drainage system

and contaminate the water.

Always place waste in the most appropriate place.

If there are no garbage cans, take it home with you.

Don't bury it in the ground or sand, as it will soon

be uncovered by animals, or peoples' feet. It is best

to reuse and recycle, never litter.









this morning i was jogging as usual. then i was tripped over by something. i noticed it was a plastic bag.

I picked it up and put it into the garbage can.


Water has no colourno shapesno taste and no smell.Water is every where.It's in the oceanin the seain the river and in the late.Water is useful.We use water to cook rice.We use water to take showers.We use water to put out fires.

Water brings us happinesstoo.We can swim in the late and sea in the summer .People in china have the Drago Boat race in the river.

Water is so important.Nothing can live without it.We should keep our water clean and protect our earth.





Junk Food

Nowadays many students like eating junk food.On the way home or to school,they usually buy some junk food in the shops,eating and walking.But junk food isn't nutritious,it's harmful to their health.People who often eat junk food can get ill more easily.For our health,we should not eat junk food.We should eat more healthy food ,such as vegetables,fruit and meat.

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