

来源:www.jojo99.com   时间:2023-08-04 19:36   点击:294  编辑:admin   手机版


告诉你个我时常用的小技巧         很多作文可以用  As is we know,开头比如说【说明文,议论文等这些都能用】,作文中多举例  用 for example;for instance; such as; the case in point is    这些短语    有些写自己观点的作文,  有条理的作文可 分段 用 First, second, third, then  ,and finally    这些写出自己的观点,书信类 一般分三段   第一段  问好,点题【说目的】   第二段  说具体内容    第三段  祝福,      有些议论文的  结尾最后还可用 what do you  think of it?结尾          平时多看看 美文   多写写就行了     ,我也是高一的学生,如果有什么疑问可以再问我,   我说的这些  你可以看看。


When the driver got into downtown, things started to happen. He ran over a fire hydrant. The water spewed out of the hydrant, causing a geyser that ruined all the books in several carts that a vendor had put outside to attract customers into his bookstore. The driver hurriedly turned west onto Grand Avenue and managed to bang into three parked cars on one side of that street and two cars on the other side. The driver also tried to run over a police officer, who was standing in the crosswalk ordering him to halt. Turning north, the driver caused a bus to slam on its brakes to avoid a collision. The bus was empty, and the bus driver was uninjured. However, two police cars that were pursuing the SUV from different directions were not so lucky. One of them ran into the front of the bus, and the other into the back. Because the drivers had braked early enough, the damage to their cars was minor. Both officers resumed the chase. They only went two blocks north to find that the SUV had come to a full stop because it had plowed into a newspaper stand. The driver, who was not wearing a seatbelt, was slumped behind the steering wheel. The proprietor of the newsstand was yelling at the driver and shaking a magazine at him. The police called for the ambulance. They charged the driver with failure to yield to a police officer and driving under the influence.


写一篇优秀的作文,1.作文顺序要正确 2.结构要完整 3.中心要突出 4.与事实符合 5.描写要具体 6.描写要恰当,想象要合理。


